Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This was created using Inkscape. It was fairly easy to make because i used the tutorial to make it (: I enjoyed making this as i learnt how to use more tools in Inkscape.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Created using Inkscape, with the help of a tutorial

Vector VS Bitmap Image

A bitmap image defines an image as grided, lines and keeps the colour for each pixel. A vector bsed image has smoother lines and les jagged looking edges as seen in the image below.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Image File Types

How Stuff Works is a good site to try for general explanations. You can also look for further references using google.

  • GIF files

  • JPEG files

  • Animated GIF files

  • MPEG files

  • Shockwave files

In your notes refer to what they are used for, their colour depth and file size characteristics


A GIF sometimes pronounced jiff means , GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT. This file format is generally what is used all across the internet. GIF supports many different colours and image resolutions.


It compresses images, and it only chooses the pixels that can be seen by the human eye to ensure that space is not wasted.At a moderate compression level it makes it harder for the eye to notice the difference between the slight details.


animated gif is a series of gif images played one after the other. It can look very realistic with enough frames to create it. This format takes up plenty of space.


attempts to remove frames that are repeated in a compressed video. It is able of putting on sound tracks on which animated GIF's cannot do and had more frames - file sizes are much larger.

Digital Artwork

Its a little hard to see cause of the way i print screened it. It was difficult to create this because I for one don't have a steady hand. I liked how a website so simple still had the ability to give tools such as opacity, thickness of brush and colours and the ability to put a frame around the artwork ! (:
I think with further practice it is possible to create a more proffesional looking image .

Buying A Graphics Tablet

1. Go to the Harris Technology site http://www.ht.com.au/ and look for wacom products

2. Copy the information about the wireless tablet into this document

Wacom Intuos4 Large - digitizer, stylus
The large Intuos4 tablet is perfect for creative professionals who work in large format or who are trained to work from the shoulder or elbow. With 102.5 square inches of working area, this tablet provides a generous workspace. The large has eight Express-Keys with illuminated displays that provide easy reference for your assigned functions.

Device Type

Digitizer, stylus


47.4 cm


32 cm


1.4 cm


1.8 kg



3. Explain in terms we can understand what is meant by

Pressure levels (how many does the scanner have, what does it mean)

Pressure levels is how sensitive the tablet is to the pressure on the surface. Pressure sensitivity can controls things such as line thickness, transparency and colour. The more pressure sensitive the tablet it the more responsive it will be, therefore, there is more control to you.

The pressure level for the tablet listed above is 2048, therefore, it is quite sensitive.

Resolution (what resolution does the tablet have)

The resolution refers to how many dpi's or pixels that are used to create the image. The more amount of pixels used, means that the image, or the document comes out clearer .

This tablet has the resolution of : 5080 lines per inch. Meaning that the picture quality of this tablet is high.

4. What is the cost of the tablet.

This tablet cost $557 .