1. Rectangle Select : rectangle select is one of the four 'selection' tools. It is used to either : modify, delete copy or crop a certain area of an image.
2. Move Selected Pixels : this tool allows you to move, rotate and scale selection outline the chosen pixels/.
3. Lasso Select : is similar to rectangle select. However, unlike the rectangle select tool it allows the imaged to be cropped with more detail.
4. Move Selection: allows the user to move, rotate,and scale the area selected. this tool does move the pixels though it is useful for refining a certain area.
6.Zoom: this tool allows the user to enlarge the area chosen and minimize a region .
7.Magic Wand: is similar to select tools,however it can be used to define and area further as colours are put into consideration.
8.Text Tool: Text tool allows the user to type text on the selected area.
9.Paintbrush: is one of the main tools for drawing, it can be used to colour a certain area or to draw.
10.Eraser: is used to delete the area selected.
11.Pencil: the pencil allows the user to colour an image pixel by pixel. The pencil is similar to the paintbrush, however, the paintbrush does not leave jagged edges.
12.Colour Picker: this tool allows the user to transfer a pixel on the selected area . By using the left click button the 'primary' colour is used, when the right click is used the 'secondary' colour is used. These colours can be chosen manually to the user's desire.
13.Clone Stamp: this tool is used to copy a certain area's pixel between layers or within the same layer.
14.Recolour Tool: this tool is used to change one colour to another by alternating between the left click and right click of the mouse.
15.Paint bucket: this tool is used to fill in an area with the chosen colour just by clicking.
16.Line/Curve Tool: this tool is used to draw lines and curves. for the user to create a curved line they must select the white dots across the length of the line and use it to manipulate the line.
17.Rectangle: allows the user to draw rectangles and squares with ease.
18. Rounded Rectangle: the rounded rectangle is similar to the rectangle however the corners are round and not straight.
19.Ellipse: ellipse is another shape tool used to draw circular shapes.
20. Freeform Select: this tool allows the user to draw a irregular shapes.
21.Tolerance Slider: this tool affects how the magic wand, recolour tool and paintbucket tool work. If the tolerance it set to 0% it means that the tool will only choose the specific colour . If the tolerance is set 100% all the colours of that image will be chosen.
22.Colour Display: shows the primary and secondary colours selected. It is easily accessible to allows quick colour changes.