Animated GIF : a small animation based on successively displayed GIF images.
Crop: cut short, tool that enables the used to trim away the edges or part of an image.
DPI: dots per inch : a measure of resolution used for printed text or images, the more dots per inch, the higher the resolution.
JPEG: joint photographic electronic group , a common compression method that shrinks a file’s storage size by discarding non-important picture detail. Excessive jpeg compression can cause poor image quality.
Mirror: to reflect an image by flipping it on an axis.
Resolution: the resolution of an image is and important factor in determining the attainable output quality. The higher the resolution of an image, the less pixilated it will be and the curves of the image will appear smoother.
Pixel: the smallest picture elememt (used to display an image on a computer), that can be independently assigned a colour.
FPS ( frames per second) : the speed which still images (frames) in a video or animation are played at a frequent rate.
File extension : suffix at the end of a filename indicating what type of file it is.
BMP : and image file format, bitmap refers to the rows and columns of dots thata make up a figital photo image. Each dot is stored in at least one bit of data.
Frame: a single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film.
Compression: the reduction in volume and increase of pressure.
Flip: to change an image by turning it on an axis.
Morph: to transform.
Frame buffer: a buffer that allows the storage of and image pixel by pixels.
Video card : a circuit board fitted to a computer, containing the necessary video memeroy and other electronics to provide a bitmap display.
CPU: the key componenet of a computer system which contains the circuitry necessary to interpret and execute program instructions.
Colour depth : the number of bits used to describe the colour of each pixel, more bit depth allows a greater rand of colours or shades of grey to be represented by a pixel.