Friday, March 25, 2011

Design Process Of Animation

First I chose the picture which i wanted to base my mascot on. I found a picture of toad. I redrew toad on Inkscape. Inkscape allowed me to stick to most of the details of toad from his jacket to his pant which were lightly shaded at the bottom.
I used Inkscape to create Toad because I had some experience with it therefore I could quickly and easily get my assignment done. After Toad was drawn I then grouped his mouth, tongue, body, pants, feet.... everything but his arms and legs/feet/shoes because they were the parts of Toad that I was going to use. I started moving the arms and legs and exported the images into my IST folder in a PNG format. at my 58th frame I realised that my background was transparent after trialling the images on movie maker. Mr Cavil changed my background setting so the rest of my frames were white. I decided to change the 58 frames white using paint.NET even though Toad's head would be effected - shading would be lost.

I added all the frames into movie maker where i changed the duration of the frames where Toad was jumping around to 0.17 and changed the duration of the frames where Toad was cheering/yelling G O C L A R E to 0.07 to make it look more realistic. I then published the animation to a WMV file so that I could post it on blogger and because it was a requirement for the assignment.

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