Using the web, find definitions for the following terms and post them on your blog. Make sure the definitions relate to computers and programming
Algorithms in computing are structured and well defined instructions for a computer to function.
is an outline written so it can easilt be converted into programming statements. Pseudocode cannot be execute but it simply a step in producing a final code.
Machine Language
is the lowest level of programming language. This language is only understood by computers.
High Level Computer Language
a language not limited to the computer for one specific job. It allows a programmer to write programs that or independent of a type of computer. It is called high level because it’s close to human language.
a diagram of the sequence of operation and algorithms in a computer program or accounting system.
an order where actions or movements are followed by each other. Usually lines of codes. Steps or line shown over and over again. Repeated/
is like a question and answer form. E.g If Condition A is True then perform Action X else perform Action Y.
The action of repeating something that has already been said or written
Steps or line of code shown over and over again, repeated.
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