Quite a lot of challenges whilst in the process of making my game
1) getting the spirtes to move the way i wanted them to. the problem was that i had a sprite move ten steps when it was already gliding so it ''jumped''
2) getting the scope circle to follow the mouse. first it would dollow the mouse around like a dog on a leash. this was overcome by changing it to ''mouse pointer''. since i had set the scope to make things hide when it touched the colour which was black the whole scope could be used to shoot instead of just the centre part of it. i changed the colour in the middle so that only the centre could shoot and score.
3)the timing of sprites as they appear and disappear of the screen. overcame this just simply from experience. at first i couldnt get them to disappear and appear on time.
4) scoring and variables. if i held the pointer on the sprite too long i would be able to score continuously even though i only clicked once. i had to add a ''wait...'' block so that it would score after an amount of time has passed.
continued on next post............
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